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TEACHERS    helps you rediscover your potential and renew faith in yourself      

Our teaching crew is comprised of highly trained  and dedicated yoga practitioners who care deeply about our students development. We are here to support and encourage you. The honest hard work of a consistent yoga practice unifies the body, mind and soul. Here we will help you dedicate time for yourself, relax your mind and restore your strength. 


We all believe that "yoga adds years to your life and life to your years!

Hot Yoga Oudenaarde Leny bikram oga


Absolute Hot Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Hot Flow Yoga teacher  -   -  Hot Yoga Oudenaarde Founder / Owner

I love to connect people to their own joyful potential. You can’t help but leave class spiritually uplifted! Born in Mexico, but a citizen of the world and spiritual adventurer, an enthusiastic friend gatherer who loves to discuss this yoga journey.

I began yoga  after suffering lower back injury from an accident, and using it to recover physically and emotionally. In my teachings I try to transmit to students how to treat yourself and your yoga practice with respect. The classes are challenging, yet completely personal. My rule is “if you fall, you must laugh,” beware! this rule is strictly enforced!

Hot Yoga Oudenaarde Ann bikram yoga


Absolute Hot Yoga, Bikram Yoga teacher


Writing his story ...


Hot Yin Yang Yoga  

Hatha Yoga and meditation (200 hrs) , Kids and Family Yoga, Nidra with Yogalife (60 hrs.), Yin Yoga with Yoga Garden (50 hrs.),  Release and Fascia System with Rusty Davis(50 hrs. ) and more than 150 hrs. Kids, Teens and Family Yoga with Rainbow Kids Org. and Helen Purperhart.


Born in Mexico, Diana is being living in Begium for almost two decades. Diana is currently teaching many diferent yoga styles  and workshops ranging from Hot Yin Yang Yoga, Yogalates to Yoga Nidra


To me yoga is an extraordinary world heritage!



Ashtanga yoga


I’ve got interested into learning more about yoga through the ways of teaching at Hot Yoga Oudenaarde. Following workshops to explore with Rusty Davis, Katherine Walker, Dylan Werner.

Taking the decision to go to India for 11 weeks, the source of yoga 2018 RYS300 Hatha ttc training @ Tattvaa Yogashala Rishikesh, India India, 14 weeks // 2019 RYS200 Ashtanga ttc @ Tattvaa Yogashala Rishikesh, India  //  2019 RYS200 traditional Hatha ttc with Surrinder Sing at Swastiyoga, Rishikesh, India  //  2020 RYS300 Hatha ttc // 2020 RYS100 Pranayama & Yoga Nidra ttc @ Yoganga India

🙏🏽 looking forward to seeing you in my classes and spread this love with you too!!



Pilates yoga


Writing here story ...

Hot yoga oudenaarde Jaana Kundalini yoga


Kundalini Yoga teacher


Born and raised in Sri Lanka. I have been living in Canada, the U.K. and in Belgium for the last 20 years. I currently live in Belgium, nearby the wonderful historical city of Ghent.
I have been practising Kundalini for several years and it has changed my life: I face challenges

head-on and walk through life with a positive attitude.

Kundalini Yoga is the fastest way to create the transformation, the lightening and the enlightenment that each individual is seeking. It is a fast way to establish a relationship between Mind, Body and Soul. It also opens the pathway to changes and healing.



Pilates yoga


Writing here story ...


Contact Leny:   0489 / 56 47 03

IBAN:  ​BE05 7370 4135 4375


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Jacob Lacopsstraat 24

9700 Oudenaarde




located in same street as 

Bowling Stones & Basic Fit

Easy parking (blue card)



Hot Yoga Oudenaarde

All rights reserved


See facebook page and stay informed of all the latest news, workshops, special activities!

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